
Lesson one: visible light

All of the colours that we see in the world exist on the visible light spectrum, which is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The wavelengths that this kind of light produces are visible to the human eye, which we see as colours – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

On the electromagnetic spectrum, the infrared spectrum exists just beyond the visible light spectrum. The wavelengths are longer, and we cannot see infrared. Near-infrared exists within the infrared spectrum.

Lesson two: LED light

LED (light emitting diode) is a source of visible light. It emits light when an electrical source runs through it. LEDs can be used in countless ways – we use them every day as sources of light and screens on electrical devices. 

Some LEDs can produce ultraviolet (UV) light or radiation (including UVA and UVB), which is what the sun produces. Exposure to UV LEDs is generally not recommended, as it can cause damage to the skin. When used in cosmetic technology, non-UV LEDs can be used to prompt visible and positive effects to the skin. 

Lesson three: LED light for the skin

LED skin devices send light wavelengths to the skin at specific nanometres (‘nm’). Published scientific studies have found that doing so (using optimal wavelengths and irradiance), can be beneficial for reducing the appearance of common skin concerns such as fine lines, dullness, blemishes, acne, and uneven skin tone. It can also prompt a complexion that looks more radiant, smooth, clear, and plump.

This technology used to be exclusive to professional skin clinics and spas, requiring a series of in-office treatments. Recent cosmetic advances mean this technology can be adapted to work effectively in at-home devices. The SAN LUEUR Advanced LED Light Therapy Facial Mask is helpful for upkeep between in-office appointments, or as a standalone part of your skincare regimen.  

The SAN LUEUR Advanced LED Light Therapy Facial Mask is an at-home LED light skin device which features 180 LED lights – 120 dual-wave red lights (633nm) and near-infrared lights (830nm), plus 60 blue lights (415nm). These depths are combined with the highest irradiance for an at-home LED skin device (50mW/cm2), ensuring maximum effectiveness and skin safety. 

Blue light targets the epidermis layer of your skin, red light targets the dermis layer, and near-infrared targets the subcutaneous layer. These lights offer different effects, specific to the layer they reach.


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